Help! Cat flu eye surgery needed

$9,594 donated
Given by 325 generous donors in 14 days

Raising funds for eye surgery and treatment.


These 4 tiny kittens (weighing barely 400gm!) who are about 4 weeks old were dumped in a plastic tub in a park after dark. As you can see, they have terribly infected eyes. The infection started before they were even able to open their eyes. It’s so bad, this little guys eyes are at risk of rupturing right there in his eye sockets. They must be so painful for him.

Can you imagine how much pain he’s in? Not to mention scared from not being able to see anything.

We’ve got them all warm and safe in foster care now. At this size and age, they should still be nursing from mum, not able to eat solid foods yet. Their amazing foster mum has made a special slurry for them and they’re eating well. But there’s still a long road ahead for them.

The whole litter is going to need special treatment for their eyes to make sure they can live full and happy lives. But the little guy in the picture, who’s not much bigger than your hand, he’s likely going to need at least one eye removed, and possibly one of his siblings will need eye removal too.

We estimate the cost of surgery alone to be about $600. This doesn’t include vet visits, after care or treatment for the other kittens.

Please donate now to help these poor kittens who deserved so much better.

And make sure you desex your pets!

About us

Rescuing stray and abandoned cats and kittens around the greater Auckland area, caring for them in foster homes, and finding their forever homes.

Use of funds

To cover the cost for eye surgery and treatment for this litter, and litters like them.

Latest update

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Another bad eye baby!  20 November 2019

While little Rufio has made it through surgery and is on the road to recovery, we had another vet contact us yesterday about this wee girl. She was dumped and seems to have the same eye situation as Rufio. She’s off to the vet this morning to have her eye looked at and possibly removed! Poor wee girl! Please keep her in your thoughts today 😻

Head over to our Facebook page to keep up to date on her case.

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Latest donations

Crazy Cat Lady
Crazy Cat Lady on 28 Nov 2019
Sheena on 28 Nov 2019
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 26 Nov 2019
Rosemary on 23 Nov 2019
Lonely Miaow

Thank you Rosemary!

Lonely Miaow
Lesley on 23 Nov 2019
Lonely Miaow

Thank you!

Lonely Miaow

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Lonely Miaow (Charity)
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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 15 Nov 2019 and ended on 29 Nov 2019.