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Help Harry Smile!

$115 of $900 goal
Given by 4 generous donors in 4 weeks

Harry needs some dental help!


Harry requires a full extraction of his teeth as he has a severe infection in his mouth. This has caused swelling and infection in his gums.

A little bit about Harry. Harry is a beautiful one year old black and white boy. He was initially called Tulouse when he arrived at his foster home back in Feb/March. Less than a week of being with there he escaped from an open window around 9:30pm (hence his name Harry, after Harry Houdini).

We thought that was the end of seeing Harry every again. Woe and behold who should appear at his foster mum;s window the next day but bloomin Harry! Trap set on top of the shed and Harry walked in! Harry has never left the property since.

He is a kind natured boy, never grows or hisses and loves his extend fur family (6 LM cats, 4 of which are foster fails and 2 bichon dogs names Bart and Oscar).

About us

Rescuing stray and abandoned cats and kittens around the greater Auckland area, caring for them in foster homes, and finding their forever homes.

Use of funds

Vet costs and post-op care for Harry

Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 16 Oct 2017
Jess on 12 Oct 2017
For Harry
Jenny on 04 Oct 2017
I hope this helps the lovely boy x
Gina on 27 Sep 2017

Who's involved?

Lonely Miaow's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Lonely Miaow (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 27 Sep 2017 and ended on 29 Oct 2017.