Save Shawn & Whiskers from lifelong toothache!
Like so many cats coming into Lonely Miaow care, smoochy Whiskers and handsome Shawn suffer from severe dental problems. For us as a small rescue organisation this can be a huge drain on resources, but we believe in giving all cats a second chance.
Please help us get Whiskers and Shawn healthy again and help towards their dental costs.
Shawn and Whiskers suffer from a chronic medical condition called Stomatitis. This means that their gums and teeth get painfully swollen and infected, and eventually fall out if the cats are not kept on medication permanently.
The only known cure to stop them suffering life-long pain is to remove all their teeth which will cost us $450 each at a heavily reduced rate, thanks to our generous vets.
In total, we need to raise $900 dollars to safe both cats – can you help us?
Founded in 1995, The Lonely Miaow Association is an incorporated, non-profit organisation dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and rehoming of stray and abandoned cats and kittens in the greater Auckland area. The cats and kittens we rescue all receive a thorough health assessment and on-going care which is undertaken by one of our supporting vets. Our cats and kittens are cared for in volunteer foster homes and when ready, adopted out to their very own loving, forever home.
Rescuing stray and abandoned cats and kittens around the greater Auckland area, caring for them in foster homes, and finding their forever homes.