Scarlet's Eye Surgery

$830 of $830 goal
Given by 27 generous donors in 4 weeks

Scarlet needs urgent attention with a Vet Eye Specialist for an abnormal eye, and may need her eye removed!


Scarlet came to us in March after giving birth to 3 kittens. Since then, she has been an amazing mother to her own kittens (who are now weaned), plus 5 other newborn kittens - rescued under rubbish sacks in April, and have survived because Scarlet accepted them, otherwise they would've required constant bottle and syringe feedings.

Having been such a loving surrogate mum to poor newborn kittens, it was a shock to us to find out that Scarlet has a problem with her eye - the clinical signs are so unusual that our General Practice Vet has not seen a similar case before. So we have had to make an appointment ASAP with the Vet Eye Specialist, and Scarlet may eventually need to have her eye removed!

In addition to Scarlet, one of the kittens in her care also have painful eye ulcers that need urgent treatment with eyedrops, and it is touch-and-go whether or not he/she need eye removal too once gotten to desexing weight.

Altogether, consultation for Scarlet and kitten, eyedrops for the kitten will amount to at least $430, plus the operation for EACH eye removal will be $200 - which makes it a total of $830 if Scarlet AND the kitten both need an eye removal.

Help us help them, please consider donating generously so we can continue to give other cats and kittens like Scarlet and the kittens a chance for a healthy, loved life in a forever home.

*In the case that their eyes can be saved and goal is reached, the funds over and above $430 will go to pay for other Vet bills, food and litter costs incurred for foster cats and kittens*

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Rescuing stray and abandoned cats and kittens around the greater Auckland area, caring for them in foster homes, and finding their forever homes.

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Scarlet and Kittens   12 May 2015

Lonely Miaow would like to thank everyone for their donations and kind words for Scarlet and her adopted babies. We are blown away by your generosity!

Scarlet and her babies were seen by an eye specialist two weeks ago. Scarlet was found to have a birth defect which makes one of her eyes look unusual, this however will not cause her any problems in the future - so no eye removal! She has come into contact with the herpes virus which will have flare ups in her future requiring eye drops. Scarlet has become an amazing mother to her adopted babies, she is the first to notice if one is missing and runs to to them as soon as they cry.

Her adopted babies were found to have a serious birth defect where they have no eyelid. This causes their eyelashes to rub against the eye causing painful ulcers and reducing their eyesight. We were left with some very difficult heartbreaking decisions. The two boys had such severe defects and damage that they had to be put to sleep.

One of the girls Poppy has a defect in both eyes which were are currently monitoring before making a decision. Ideally she requires surgery but due to her size this may not be possible. At the moment she does not appear to be in any pain and happily plays with her sisters. She can often be found hogging their heat pad.

Lily the tabby only has a problem in one eyelid. The specialist is hopeful that she will learn to adapt by using her third eyelid to blink. We will continue to monitor this eye to ensure there is no damage. Lily already has a big personality, she loves to be cuddled and makes herself known when you walk into the room.

Iris, the runt of the litter, is the only kitten to have normal eyes. She is an extremely confident kitten who loves to explore. This often gets her into trouble as she wanders off from her warm bed requiring Scarlet to rescue her.

We will keep you updated with their progress, at the moment we are doing everything to help these babies live happily.

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Melissa H
Melissa H on 06 May 2015
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 04 May 2015
Joanne on 04 May 2015
All the best for Scarlet, she deserves it.
Julie & Ross
Julie & Ross on 04 May 2015
Amber on 03 May 2015

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This campaign started on 30 Apr 2015 and ended on 1 Jun 2015.