Raising funds for Phoenix's vet care.
Phoenix was dropped off to VSA on Easter weekend emaciated with a horrific injury from a suspected gin trap. All the bones in his right leg were exposed and his little toes were missing.
The dedicated team at Pakuranga Vets decided to amputate his leg immediately to give him the best chance of survival. The worry was the amputation would not hold as he had lost all his muscle, and he was also high risk for sepsis.
Thankfully, a volunteer from 9 Lives Orphanage offered to look after him until our foster could take over his care.
Since then, Phoenix has been on crate rest and had his final stitches removed yesterday. Throughout this journey, Phoenix has taken everything in his stride, despite being in pain he's been so sweet and full of purrs.
As you can imagine, Phoenix's vet journey has racked up a significant vet bill and we need your help to help us raise some funds to go towards it.
We would like to give a special thanks and mention to the supporters who have helped Phoenix out so far:
Thank you to VSA, Pakuranga Veterinary Clinic and Steph Redhill from 9 Lives Orphanage.
It's taken a team effort to save this boy's life and we are all so grateful!
Rescuing stray and abandoned cats and kittens around the greater Auckland area, caring for them in foster homes, and finding their forever homes.
All of the donations to this fundraiser will go directly to Phoenix's vet bills.