Sky and Archie both have very wobbly walks as a result of congenital defects. We are raising funds to cover future surgical costs.
Sky (black) and Archie (ginger and white) came into our care as four week old kittens – they were found in a lady's backyard along with their two siblings. As they've grown bigger it has become clear something isn't quite right – both have a very peculiar walk. After x-rays and lots of investigating by our vets both kittens have been diagnosed with severe subluxing patella (their kneecap doesn't stay in place) and a deformed right rear leg.
This is extremely rare in kittens this age, and the vets have never seen it as a congenital defect in siblings. It's just exceptionally bad luck. Unfortunately, unless a miracle happens, it is likely both kittens will need to have their legs amputated once they are old enough. While this sound traumatic, kittens generally make great recoveries from this sort of procedure and go on to live happy lives hooning around on three legs. Both kittens are currently pain-free and otherwise thriving on a high quality diet with lots of love and attention from their foster family.
The estimated cost for both surgeries is $2000.
Rescuing stray and abandoned cats and kittens around the greater Auckland area, caring for them in foster homes, and finding their forever homes.
Funds raised will be used to cover the veterinary costs for Sky and Archie. This may include surgical costs, recovery care, x-ray imaging and blood tests associated with their condition.