Make the most of Givealittle

Some Givealittle features are not immediately obvious and we want to see your fundraising succeed, so check out the ideas below for some features you might want to consider using.

Post Page Updates

Page Updates give a sense of liveliness and activity to your page and keep people in touch with you and your journey. They can also encourage your supporters to share your page with other people to build on your success.

Page Updates appear on the page and get emailed to subscribed donors. They are a great way to thank you supporters by letting them see how much good their donation has done. Everybody likes a happy ending!

They aren't limited to text - use photos and videos to bring things to life and connect with your supporters.

Your supporters can also comment on page updates, so it's not all one-way.

To create a page update, go to the 'Page tools' panel that appears on your page when you are logged in and look for the 'Post a page update' link.

Send automated thank you messages on donation receipt emails

When you are logged in and looking at your page you will see you have the option to reply to every donation individually. This can be a great way to make people feel appreciated, but it's not always practical. We also provide a thank-you message on the receipt that gets sent to donors.

You may have set this up when you created your page, but we understand that there can be a lot going on when you create your page, and maybe things have changed, so remember you can go back and edit that thank you message at any time.

You can also include links in that thankyou message - perhaps you want to direct your supporters to your main website so they can find out more?

(Changes will only impact future donations, the message won't be re-sent to people who donated already - if you want to contact them, use a Page update).

To edit this general thanks message, go to the 'Page tools' panel that appears on your page when you are logged in, use the 'Edit your page' link and then select 'Gratitude'.

Add fitness activity tracking

Are you doing an exercise, fitness or activity challenge to raise funds for a cause you care about? Let your donors follow your process as you fundraise. Activity tracking is a great way to showcase your hard work and engage with supporters.

Check out our information on exercise tracking here.

Post a widget on another site to give a donation link and a live feed of the total

Every Givealittle fundraising page offers a widget as part of your fundraiser’s toolkit. Widgets allow you to provide statistics from your Givealittle page to other websites or blogs, with a direct link to donate.

The widget content can vary with the style of widget chosen, there are 4 different styles.

To add a widget, you need to be viewing your page on a desktop device. Find out how to get a widget here.

Give donors a badge to post on Facebook or X (Twitter)

Encourage people who have donated to share your page, by giving them a badge to share in a post on Facebook or X. Badges can be accessed by donors on the donation success screen and in the receipt email.

To add or edit a badge, 'Page tools' panel that appears on your page when you are logged in, use the 'Edit your page' link and then select 'Gratitude'.

Run a Matched Giving promotion using funds you already have, to generate more generosity

Matching is a perfect way to boost your fundraising because it gamifies giving and encourages donors to amplify the benefit of their donation through access to a pool of matching funds. It also adds a sense of urgency as donors want to see your cause get all the matching funds available before the period runs out.

Anybody can run a Matched Giving campaign on their page. The first step, of course, is to have access to a pool of money to match with - for example, if you’ve been offered a large donation it’s a way to make that donation go even further.

If you’d like to run a donation matching campaign on your page, contact our friendly support team to get it set up.

Put a live donation feed from Givealittle on your streaming platform

With the world changing and so much fundraising moving online, it's good to know you can integrate your Givealittle fundraising page with your online event. If you are doing something fun in the "real world", consider live-streaming to get more people to participate, watch and donate.

You can find instructions for setting up a donation feed here.

Provide dollar handles and tangible descriptions of benefit

Dollar Handles are pre-set amounts for donors to choose from when donating - they let you give some guidance to donors on how much you’d like them to donate.

Tangible Statements are connected to dollar handles and describe the impact that donating the preset amount will have - they help the donor decide which of the dollar handles is right for them and make the donor feel useful by describing how the money they give is translated into what you do.

Dollar handles aren’t suitable for all pages - they are best suited to situations where you can really quantify how much a given donation amount will help. Also, if you don’t get them right you can actually drive down the average donation amount,so they need to be carefully thought through and revised from time to time.

Find out more about dollar handles and tangibles here.

Only pages owned by charities have dollar handles available by default. If you don’t see the option when you are editing your page, contact our friendly support team to get it set up.

Post a QR code for your page

QR codes provide a real-world link to your fundraising page, making it really easy for donors to find it - we’re all used to scanning these codes by now! The codes can be put up anywhere or published in print.

Find out how to download a QR code here.

Use donation Tags to let donors direct their donation to a specific goal, or identify a source for the donation

Donation Tags are ideal if you want to be able to channel donations in some way.


  • a nationwide charity which only wants one page on Givealittle, but wants people to be able to specify that their donation gets used in a particular region
  • a school doing a fundraising drive that doesn't want to run different fundraiser pages for each class but still wants to track which classroom a donation has come from
  • a promotion where donors can vote for their favourite performer/flower/animal when they donate

Find out more about donation Tags here.

If there’s something you think you need but don’t see, contact us with your ideas.

Also, you might want to check out our tips for running a successful fundraising campaign.