What is a Certified Document?

If you cannot supply information for electronic verification you will need to supply documents for manual verification. You will be prompted to upload a scanned copy of the document when you enter your details on the Verification screen and opt to be verified manually.

(If you have a NZ Driver's License or NZ Passport, you can choose to be Electronically Verified, which is much quicker and easier.)

You will need to supply separate documents for Identity and Address verification. The document for Identity verification must be certified by an Approved Certifier.

Your Identity document must be certified by someone from the list below:

Note - an Approved Certifier should -

• not be related to the person presenting the documents

• not live at the same address as the person presenting the documents

• not be the spouse or partner of the person presenting the documents

An Approved Certifier must be one of the following:

If certifying in New Zealand:

• A registered teacher

• A Chartered Accountant

• A registered medical doctor

• A member of the police

• A kaumatua

• A minister of religion

• A lawyer

• A notary public

• NZ Honorary consul

• A Member of Parliament

•A Commonwealth Representative

• A person who has legal authority to take statutory declarations or equivalent in New Zealand

In the case of overseas certification:

• A person who has legal authority to take statutory declarations or equivalent in the client’s country.

The Approved Certifier must sight the original and the copy and make sure both documents are identical

Identity Certification must state on the copy it by writing or stamping: “I certify this is a true copy of the original document, which I have sighted, and it represents a true likeness of the individual”.

Address or Non Photo ID Certification must state on the copy by writing or stamping: “I have sighted the original and certify this is a true copy of the original document”.

Also, on each copy, write or stamp: the approver’s printed name, occupation, signature and date.

For Identity Verification you will need to supply a certified copy of one of the following:

  • New Zealand passport
  • Overseas passport
  • New Zealand certificate of identity
  • New Zealand refugee travel document
  • New Zealand emergency travel document
  • New Zealand firearms licence
  • National Identity card
  • New Zealand full birth certificate
  • New Zealand citizenship certificate
  • Birth certificate issued by a foreign government, United Nations or an agency of the United Nations.

For Address Verification you will need to supply a copy of one of the following that has been issued in the last 3 months (this does not need to be certified):

  • Power, water, or phone bill
  • Government or government department document (e.g. IRD tax notice or certificate)
  • Local council notification/demand (e.g. rates bill)
  • Letter from an NZ educational institution