
Donation receipts and pledge confirmations are sent immediately after the transaction, to the email you provided. (With a pledge you receive a pledge confirmation immediately and then a donation receipt is sent when the page goal is met and the pledge is successfully processed into a donation.)

When a donation is made to a Verified Payee with Donee Tax Status, a Donation Tax Receipt is issued in the name of the Givealittle. Givealittle is a charitable organisation with Donee Tax Status. This Donation Tax Receipt can be used to claim a donation tax credit with IRD.

You can upload your receipts individually to the IRD at any time during the year, but to make it easy for you we provide an Annual Tax Receipt PDF which consolidates all your Tax Credit eligible donations for the year into one document - so you just have one total and one PDF to upload to the IRD. You can get a consolidated PDF for tax eligible donations from the last 4 Tax Year's here.

If you cannot find the receipt that was emailed, you can get a copy here (you will be prompted to log in or register if you haven't already - if registering you will need to use the same email address you used when donating), then select the receipt you want a copy of.